Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee

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Odd alien Abe has worked for years as a slave at a futuristic meat packing plant called Rupture Farms. Though the plant prides itself on producing Paramite Pies and Scarab Cakes, the species the food is made from is on the verge of extinction. Using a full-fledged alien race as ingredients, the owners have come up with a new product called Mudokon Pops. While eavesdropping on a meeting of the higher-ups, Abe discovers the horrific news; he and his people are of Mudokon ethnicity. Disgusted and terrified by this revolting development, the alien embarks on a journey to escape the vast plant and rescue his fellow co-workers. Unfortunately, the plant owners know of the revolt and are looking for Abe's head on a stick -- or in this case, a Mudokon Popsicle.
Игра Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee
Платформа: PlayStation 1
Жанр: Adventure
Интерфейс: Английский
Формат образа: (.bin/.cue)
Размер: 378.95 Мб.
Эмулятор: PS1
Загрузка: Прямая ссылка
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