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Movie tie-ins with the games world are becoming common place. In the past we have seen Street Fighter, Alien Trilogy, and the Die Hard series to name but a few. Next year we can expect Independence Day and Batman Forever. Casper is based on the top film release of the same name, which took more than a few bucks at the box office. Now lets get this clear before we start, Casper is for KIDS, nothing wrong with that, and there will be a certain appeal to some adults, but it has been predominately made to occupy the kids on a Sunday morning when you want to grab an extra hour in the pit.
Игра Casper
Платформа: PlayStation 1
Жанр: Adventure
Интерфейс: Английский
Формат образа: (.bin/.cue)
Размер: 92.54 Мб.
Эмулятор: PS1
Загрузка: Прямая ссылка
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Casper & Friends around the world
Casper's friends have been hexed by an evil spell! The king of ghosts has created an imprisoning device that sends them to different locations across the globe. You must help Casper rescue his friends, but you only have the first ten map pages. If you can find the rest, they will each lead you to a friend. Collect the pieces of the device that sent your friends away by defeating three evil bosses. If you can manage to find everything in the game, then you'll advance to a special level in the lost city of Atlantis. Watch out for your uncles and tourists, though, because they will make your journey most difficult.