Duke Nukem - Time to Kill

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Get on the Duke bandwagon — it is time to kill. Duke was celebrating his recent victory over the scum-sucking alien pigs — and lizards and brains — with a few beverages and ladies at a club when, all of a sudden, a bunch of pig cops came busting in. He took care of them and, as he headed outside, his 1968 custom hog changed in a flash of light into a pink bike. Well, you can mess with Duke, but don't mess with his ride. Immediately, Duke put the puzzle together: the aliens were trying to take over the world.
Игра Duke Nukem - Time to Kill
Платформа: PlayStation 1
Жанр: Action,Shooter
Интерфейс: Английский
Формат образа: (.bin/.cue)
Размер: 150.47 Мб.
Эмулятор: PS1
Загрузка: Прямая ссылка
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