Men In Black - The Series - Crashdown

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Take the first-person roles of Men In Black Jay and Kay to track down a good agent gone bad in this release based on the Warner Bros. animated series. Gameplay offers a mix of action and adventure, as player must explore over two dozen 3D New York locations and use ultra high-tech gadgets to neutralize the threats of 15 different alien species. It's a big, bad universe, and you're out to tame it. Based on the animated MEN IN BLACK series (which, of course, is based on the hit movie of the same name), the game casts you as one of two secret agents charged with the task of protecting the universe from evil aliens. Choose to play as either agent J or agent K, as you attempt to squelch the plans of the nefarious Fmecks a deadly group of extra-terrestrial beings.
Игра Men In Black - The Series - Crashdown
Платформа: PlayStation 1
Жанр: Shooter
Интерфейс: Английский
Формат образа: (.bin/.cue)
Размер: 303.51 Мб.
Эмулятор: PS1
Загрузка: Прямая ссылка
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