Panzer Front

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The game itself takes place during the World War II era, allowing you to take on the tole of either the driver or gunner in any of the tanks. While there is no overall campaign, there are two different modes to select. The first allows you to select the fantasy tanks, and the second requires that you use real life tanks to complete missions. Missions range from straightforward combat with enemy armored lines to more specific tasks, such as defending or destroying a bridge (depending on what side you're currently fighting for). The areas in which tanks do battle are quite large, and there are armored lines as well as infantry fighters to battle against during the course of the game.
Как запустить игру на android устройстве?
Для запуска игры Panzer Front на смартфоне или любом устройстве на базе Android, понадобится эмулятор ePSXe. Скачав игру Panzer Front через торрент в формате (.bin/.cue) и разместив ее в каталоге, который вы выбрали в эмуляторе, сможете без особого труда ее запустить.
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Panzer General
Play is handled in a number of discrete turns, with each turn being divided into two halves. Each side conducts its offensive maneuvers during one half, and one turn passes when both sides have moved. During each turn players can buy new units with their prestige points and move, resupply, or attack with their existing units. Units with some sort of transport can mount up and move, but they cannot attack that turn. Instead, they must dismount in the next turn before attacking. Self-propelled units can attack and move in the same turn. Instead of moving, units can also use the turn to be resupplied or reinforced.